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  • What's the Kai Athleisure return policy?
    To be eligible for a return, product must be unworn and unwashed, with hang tags attached, and accompanied by proof of purchase. Returns can be made by mail within 14 days of the purchase date. We DO NOT provide free return shipping! Returns are processed within 5-7 business days after your item(s) are delivered to us. Keep in mind, Products from our final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • How can I return product(s)?
    Please reach out to our time through contact page or live chat :)
  • How can I cancel my order?
    Double check your gear and the total amount in your shopping bag before you complete your order—we’re unable to modify or make edits once it’s been placed. If you’d like to cancel, you’ll need to reach out to us through the live chat or go to contact page HERE. Can’t cancel? Don’t sweat it—you can set up an online return once your order has been received :)
  • Check order status
    Once your order ships, we’ll email your tracking information so you can follow along.
  • Shipping fees and time
    Once your order ships, we'll email your tracking information so you can follow along. For more details on our shipping fees and timelines. Domestic shipping usually takes 3-5 business days, International shipping takes 14-21 days, it depends on what areas you wish to ship to.
  • Tracking/Missing a package
    Our GEC is here to help. Reach out to us by EMAIL or LIVE CHAT with your order and tracking ID, full name, email address, shipping address, courier name, the date it was shipped, and the missing item(s) from your order.
  • I am looking to edit the address on my order
    Once an order is placed, we're unable to edit or make changes. We can, however, attempt to update the address through FedEx. Keep in mind, this process is never a guarantee as it depends on the status of the shipment. Our teams can help if you have any pressing questions—reach out to us by visiting our Contact Us page HERE.
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